Resources » Report Bullying

Report Bullying

The Kern High School District believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment and will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. At you will find information about the types of bullying, how it affects you and our community, and helpful resources for learning more about how we can maintain a safe and healthy school environment together.
KHSD prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the complaint process. Please click HERE, or contact the Dean of Students or Site Administrator, to report bullying.
If you feel you have been the victim of Bullying, please click HERE to report it immediately. There is a link at the bottom of the page to report any incidents as well. 
Any reports of bullying will be immediately addressed and an appropriate resolution reached to ensure the health and safety of all students.
If the complainant student or parent/guardian of the student feels that an appropriate resolution of the investigation or complaint has not been reached, the student or parent/guardian of the student should contact the KHSD Office of Student Behavior and Supports. If this fails to bring about a resolution, the complainant may complete a written complaint form detailing the incident and what needs to be done to bring a resolution to the concern. This will be submitted to the School Community Liaison Officer who will direct it to the appropriate Uniform Complaint Officer for follow-up investigation under the Uniform Complaint Procedures (BP/AR 1312.3).

Assembly Bill (AB) 2291 requires the California Department of Education (“CDE”) to develop and post on its Internet Web site an online training module to assist all school staff, school administrators, parents, pupils, and community members in increasing their knowledge of the dynamics of bullying and cyberbullying. The online training module shall include, but is not limited to, identifying an act of bullying or cyberbullying, and implementing strategies to address bullying and cyberbullying.  CDE is also required to post on its website, and annually update a list of available online training modules relating to bullying or bullying prevention.  Schools are required to annually make available the CDE online training module to certificated school site staff and all other school site staff that have regular interaction with students.  The California Department of Education Online Bullying Training Module and Bullying presentation is mandated by Assembly Bill 1993 and California Education Code Section 32283.5.  The Online Bullying Training module and Bullying module will assist all school staff, school administrators, parents, pupils, and community members in increasing their knowledge of the dynamics of bullying.  The Online Bullying Training module presentation and Bullying module identify acts of bullying, and suggest strategies to address bullying.


The modules have been attached to this website. 

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